Discover how our board-certified plastic surgeon can correct a profile with a chin augmentation

Chin augmentation is a surgical procedure that corrects for a weak or receding chin, improving the facial profile by increasing the projection of the chin. The chin is an important structure for providing facial balance and harmony. A weak chin can make the nose appear larger, and the neckline less refined. The profile at the chin is generally altered with the use of a facial implant but the jawbone itself can also be reconstructed to change the shape of the chin.

before and after chin augmentation

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Chin augmentation with the use of an implant is generally a relatively quick and easy procedure to recover from. There is generally little bruising and swelling and in the appropriate patient, the procedure can be completed in the office based setting with light sedation and local anesthesia

Scarring from chin augmentation is generally minimal. The incision to place the implant can be completely concealed within the mouth or hidden in the natural crease at the bottom of the chin. A board-certified plastic surgeon can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches with you during your consultation.

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